Saturday, September 29, 2012

Exoplanet Explorer v2.3.0

JxQST.jpg ҩҩҩ Exoplanet Explorer takesjourneyto deep space,yond limitsSolar System. Based latest available data,'ll explore virtual models than 700 known planets star systems thatyhabit. ҩҩҩ full version Exoplanet Explorer 2troducesfeature that automaticallywnload latest planetary discoveries, keeping up date. time alsocludes modelsme binary star systems that known have planets, givingmuchtter idea variety different worldsGalaxy. ҩҩҩ dataurced Exoplanet Encyclopdia, SIMBAD, scientific papers,it's availableeseurces,n wherever possible calculated estimated, giving accesse complete exoplanet databases. ҩҩҩ additionintuitiveterface which allowsuch driven navigation throughGalaxy, Exoplanet Explorer alsoferscomprehensive searchol which let find planets systems that terested.cludes ability both searchrt planet name, number planetssystem evenn number starssystem, name justfew. ҩҩҩ Statistics provided summariseformation database giveglobal perspective. ҩҩҩ Planets haveen divided upto 6 classes, furr subdividesto 3 temperature classes.formationnen used create models which nsembledto workinglar systems giveidea whaty might look likewe could travelreday. ҩҩҩ Planet dividedto following mass classes: ҩҩҩ Mercurian - rocky worlds that have approximate mass Mercury ҩҩҩ Sub-terran - rocky
planetsmass similar Mars ҩҩҩ Terran - rocky worlds similar mass Earth ҩҩҩ Super-terran - rocky worldshigher mass than Earth ҩҩҩ Neptunian - gas giants similar Neptune ҩҩҩ Jovian - gas giants massive massive than Jupiter ҩҩҩ planets furr dividedto following temperature classes: ҩҩҩ Hot - planets that o hot support liquid water ҩҩҩ Warm - planets star's habitable zone where liquid water could exist ҩҩҩ Cold - planetsyond habitable zone where water wouldly exist ice ҩҩҩ What's version : (Updated : Sep 29, 2012) ҩҩҩ planetformation ҩҩҩw using PHL planet data ҩҩҩ 3D engine updated ҩҩҩ Misc. bug fixes ҩҩҩ Requiredroid O/S : 2.2+ ҩҩҩ Release chathu ҩҩҩ play: ҩҩҩ <input type="button" value=""> ҩҩҩ ҩҩҩwnload: ҩҩҩ ҩҩҩ

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