1Tap Quick Bar 1.1.2
Current Version: 1.1.2
Requires Android: 2.0.1 up
Category: Personalization
V1.1.2 update:
V 1.1.2
- Added language pack: Arabic, Western Farsi, Portuguese.
- Added ability re-order quickbars.
- Various bug fixes.
Full change logs: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quic…change-logs-2/
Required permission: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-bar/permissions/
Website: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-bar/
Facebook: http://goo.gl/pVfuFOverview:
1Tap Quick Barstification customization app Android. helps common tasksshorter time, change Wifi settings, callr wife, addevent, launchfavorite game just 1-click. alsofersway createbeautifulification bar.** New version supports widgetton customization shortcut. Long press home screen addnewe **
How 1tap Quick Bar works?
You add tasktoification bar quickly kickf 1tap. supports over 60 built-in tasks,cluding
☆ Direct dial
☆ Direct message,
☆ 1-tap direct web page launcher,
☆ Application shortcut
☆ Application launcher
☆ Direct email label
☆ New event, new message
☆ Hidden system activities
☆ 3rd tasks: ram booster
☆ Media control
☆ Etc,.A quick bar appearance twistedways, background, icon set, text color, status icon,,. makeautifulification bar.
How work 1tap Quick Bar?
A quick barspecialification that staysification a. composes up 6 actions fully customizes colors, text, background. Actions categorizedto 5 main groups:
☆ Setting: quicklygglesetting
☆ Application: launch chosen application.
☆ Shortcut: launch shortcut supplied or applications
☆ Contact: makecall, sendsms email chosen contact
☆ Misc: several built-in commands, hidden activities
There several special actions that help discover hidden applicationsr s, Application’s shortcut, last call, batteryfo,,.
The design tab helps customize any partquick bar.
Free version supportse quick bar. Upgrade Pro version enjoy quick bar
☆ In’t want icon status bar.
Every quick bar needicon status bar due Android system limit. However, change default status bar icon “transpnt” (see design tab). cases,es what want.
☆ Quick Bar closes automatically when I clickitem?
Prito Honeycomb, Android closes automaticallyification bars when clicked.
This happen newer version.
☆ Whyme actionses work
Since Android security model changed,me functions limited, or opened.tfunction works any . Manufacturer/custom ROMs add complexity. We suggest trymfore permanently addedtor quick bar, especially, mobile data, GPS, music control. We working hard supportstlution.
☆ What “Last call”em?
Thisemly available “phone” which supports make calls. dial latest number (outgoing,coming missed call).
☆tification background display right my Gingerbread ?That’skernel bug,metimeificationes display correctly older Android version. Newer Android (ICS, Jellyan) already fixedsue.
☆ What Date/Day Week/Month status icon?
Time status icon display current date/day week/monthr status bar,
and automatically update matchr time.
☆ In’t knowem wher Wifiggle Wifi setting shortcut
Some settingems use same icon resource,
you set always show action label design setting.
☆ I’t uninstall app
enable admin, should disablefore uninstalling. To disable goto Home> Menu> Settings> Security> Device Administrators,n uncheck 1tap Quick Bar> Deactivate,n back application manager uninstall.
kw:tification Toggle,ggle settings, customization, widgetsoid, quick launcher, tasker